Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
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Lord of the Rings TCG

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50 recent cash changes of cuker
2024-11-24 23:500.45sale of 1R204 All Veils Removed to sperzdechly
2024-11-18 13:300.48sale of 1R186 Guard Commander to sperzdechly
2024-10-01 00:0040.00award by admin
2024-09-05 11:230.30scrap of 5x 2U120 Valley of the Silverlode
2024-09-05 11:230.72scrap of 12x 2C119 Hollin
2024-09-05 11:230.36scrap of 6x 2U118 Great Chasm
2024-09-05 11:230.72scrap of 12x 2C117 Town Center
2024-09-05 11:230.30scrap of 5x 2U116 Hobbiton Woods
2024-09-05 11:230.36scrap of 6x 2U115 Hobbiton Party Field
2024-09-05 11:230.78scrap of 13x 2C114 Sam, Proper Poet
2024-09-05 11:230.30scrap of 5x 2U111 Practically Everyone Was Invited
2024-09-05 11:230.72scrap of 12x 2C110 Pippin, Mr. Took
2024-09-05 11:230.36scrap of 6x 2U103 Hobbit Sword-play
2024-09-05 11:230.78scrap of 13x 2C104 Merry, Horticulturalist
2024-09-05 11:230.78scrap of 13x 2C102 Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer
2024-09-05 11:230.72scrap of 12x 2C101 Filibert Bolger, Wily Rascal
2024-09-05 11:23-4.96purchase of 2R97 Consorting With Wizards from Flyingmatthew
2024-09-05 11:230.72scrap of 12x 2C91 Southern Spies
2024-09-05 11:230.30scrap of 5x 2U92 Spies of Mordor
2024-09-05 11:230.30scrap of 5x 2U96 Bilbo, Well-spoken Gentlehobbit
2024-09-05 11:230.78scrap of 13x 2C95 Vile Blade
2024-09-05 11:230.36scrap of 6x 2U98 Dear Friends
2024-09-05 11:230.78scrap of 13x 2C99 Deft in Their Movements
2024-09-05 11:230.36scrap of 6x 2U106 Nice Imitation
2024-09-05 11:230.36scrap of 6x 2U107 Not Feared in Sunlight
2024-09-05 11:230.36scrap of 6x 2U83 Úlairë Enquëa, Ringwraith in Twilight
2024-09-05 11:230.30scrap of 5x 2U82 Úlairë Attëa, The Easterling
2024-09-05 11:230.24scrap of 4x 2U87 The Eye of Sauron
2024-09-05 11:230.72scrap of 12x 2C90 Orc Taskmaster
2024-09-05 11:230.72scrap of 12x 2C89 Orc Scout
2024-09-05 11:220.72scrap of 12x 2C88 Memory of Many Things
2024-09-05 11:220.36scrap of 6x 2U79 Resistance Becomes Unbearable
2024-09-05 11:220.24scrap of 4x 2U81 They Will Find the Ring
2024-09-05 11:220.36scrap of 6x 2U78 It Wants to be Found
2024-09-05 11:220.36scrap of 6x 2U76 Helpless
2024-09-05 11:220.78scrap of 13x 2C55 Dark Places
2024-09-05 11:220.30scrap of 5x 2U56 Fill With Fear
2024-09-05 11:220.78scrap of 13x 2C60 Goblin Bowman
2024-09-05 11:220.30scrap of 5x 2U59 Foul Things
2024-09-05 11:220.78scrap of 13x 2C58 Foul Tentacle
2024-09-05 11:220.72scrap of 12x 2C61 Goblin Flankers
2024-09-05 11:220.78scrap of 13x 2C62 Goblin Pursuer
2024-09-05 11:220.72scrap of 12x 2C63 Goblin Reinforcements
2024-09-05 11:22-19.95purchase of 2R66 Huge Tentacle from Flyingmatthew
2024-09-05 11:220.72scrap of 12x 2C64 Goblin Scrabbler
2024-09-05 11:220.78scrap of 13x 2C65 Goblin Spearman
2024-09-05 11:220.72scrap of 12x 2C69 Old Differences
2024-09-05 11:220.36scrap of 6x 2U68 Must Do Without Hope
2024-09-05 11:220.24scrap of 4x 2U67 Moria Archer Troop
2024-09-05 11:220.36scrap of 6x 2U70 Power and Terror