Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
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Lord of the Rings TCG

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Cards offered by janek
WhatPrice $Count
1C3 Axe Strike0.063
1C4 Battle Fury0.064
1C8 Dwarven Armor0.061
1C18 Halls of My Home0.063
1C19 Here Lies Balin, Son of Fundin0.061
1C20 Let Them Come!0.063
1C24 Stairs of Khazad-dûm0.063
1C25 Still Draws Breath0.064
1C26 Their Halls of Stone0.063
1R30 Arwen, Daughter of Elrond5.901
1U31 Asfaloth0.101
1C32 Border Defenses0.062
1R33 Bow of the Galadhrim6.001
1C37 Defiance0.064
1C39 Elf-song0.061
1C42 Elven Cloak0.063
1C43 Far-seeing Eyes0.064
1R45 Galadriel, Lady of Light7.751
1U51 Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood0.062
1C59 Shoulder to Shoulder0.061
1C61 Songs of the Blessed Realm0.061
1C67 Uruviel, Maid of Lórien0.061
1C68 The White Arrows of Lórien0.061
1C84 Sleep, Caradhras0.061
1C86 Treachery Deeper Than You Know0.061
1U94 Athelas0.391
1C103 Elendil's Valor0.061
1C104 Eregion's Trails0.064
1C107 Great Shield0.064
1C110 Pathfinder0.064
1R114 The Saga of Elendil8.301
1C117 Swordsman of the Northern Kingdom0.066
1C121 Bred for Battle0.065
1C122 Breeding Pit0.062
1C134 Saruman's Chill0.063
1C141 Their Arrows Enrage0.064
1C144 Uruk Bloodlust0.063
1C149 Uruk Messenger0.062
1C151 Uruk Savage0.066
1C152 Uruk Shaman0.064
1C154 Uruk Soldier0.069
1R169 The End Comes2.001
1C171 Frenzy0.061
1C192 Pinned Down0.061
1C193 Plundered Armories0.062
1C196 They Are Coming0.063
1U231 Úlairë Enquëa, Lieutenant of Morgul1.501
1R246 Enduring Evil8.001
1R254 Mordor Enraged2.003
1C266 Orc Chieftain0.063
1C269 Orc Scimitar0.062
1C271 Orc Soldier0.062
1C277 Shadow's Reach0.063
1R284 Bilbo, Retired Adventurer1.491
1R289 Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir2.901
1C295 Hobbit Farmer0.065
1C300 Longbottom Leaf0.062
1C303 Merry, From O'er the Brandywine0.062
1C304 Noble Intentions0.061
1C306 Pippin, Friend to Frodo0.062
1C312 Sorry About Everything0.063
1R313 Sting7.901
1R314 Stone Trolls4.001
1C315 Stout and Sturdy0.062
1R318 Thrór's Map1.901
1U319 Bag End0.062
1U320 East Road0.066
1U323 Green Hill Country0.062
1C326 Westfarthing0.064
1U327 Bree Gate0.063
1U330 Buckleberry Ferry0.062
1C331 Ettenmoors0.061
1U335 Weatherhills0.061
1U336 Weathertop0.061
1C337 Council Courtyard0.064
1U338 Ford of Bruinen0.062
1U340 Rivendell Terrace0.066
1U341 Rivendell Valley0.062
1U342 Rivendell Waterfall0.061
1C346 Moria Lake0.065
1U347 Moria Stairway0.062
1U348 Pass of Caradhras0.061
1C349 The Bridge of Khazad-dûm0.063
1U350 Dimrill Dale0.063
1C351 Galadriel's Glade0.062
1U352 Lothlórien Woods0.062
1U353 Anduin Confluence0.061
1C354 Anduin Wilderland0.064
1C356 Anduin Banks0.064
1U357 Brown Lands0.063
1U359 Shores of Nen Hithoel0.062
1U360 Emyn Muil0.062
1U361 Slopes of Amon Hen0.066
1C362 Summit of Amon Hen0.065
1P365 Aragorn, King in Exile2.502
2R1 Beneath the Mountains2.901
2U4 Endurance of Dwarves2.801
2U8 Golden Light on the Land0.951
2R27 Staff Asunder2.002
2C42 Goblin Man0.981
2C44 No Business of Ours0.981
2C47 Uruk Scout0.981
2U56 Fill With Fear1.241
2U59 Foul Things1.901
2U67 Moria Archer Troop1.981
2R93 Tower Assassin3.981
2U103 Hobbit Sword-play0.981
2R109 Orc-bane3.501
2U111 Practically Everyone Was Invited2.001
4R218 Desert Legion12.001