Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
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Lord of the Rings TCG

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Cards offered by qoval10
WhatPrice $Count
1C9 Dwarven Axe1.002
1U17 Grimir, Dwarven Elder0.302
1C19 Here Lies Balin, Son of Fundin2.001
1U27 Thrarin, Dwarven Smith2.001
1U31 Asfaloth1.002
1C41 Elven Bow1.002
1U56 Orophin, Lórien Bowman0.905
1U57 Rúmil, Elven Protector0.603
1R62 The Splendor of Their Banners3.001
1U65 Swan-ship of the Galadhrim1.006
1U70 Barliman Butterbur, Prancing Pony Proprietor1.001
1U73 Gandalf's Cart0.602
1U74 Gandalf's Pipe0.907
1C76 Intimidate1.001
1R80 Ottar, Man of Laketown2.001
1U91 Aragorn's Pipe1.002
1U94 Athelas0.501
1U105 Foes of Mordor1.004
1U108 No Stranger to the Shadows2.001
1U112 Ranger's Sword1.001
1U113 A Ranger's Versatility0.903
1R118 Valiant Man of the West3.001
1R129 The Misadventure of Mr. Underhill1.901
1R132 Parry1.002
1U136 Saruman's Power2.001
1U153 Uruk Slayer0.502
1R155 Uruk Spy0.993
1U159 Uruk-hai Rampage0.903
1U162 Worry0.704
1C171 Frenzy1.001
1R172 Goblin Archer3.001
1R175 Goblin Domain4.001
1U178 Goblin Runner0.256
1U181 Goblin Sneak0.307
1C187 Host of Thousands0.405
1U188 The Long Dark0.252
1U194 Relentless1.001
1U209 Blade Tip1.001
1U211 Drawn to Its Power1.001
1R212 Fear0.401
1U215 The Master's Will1.004
1U218 Nazgûl Sword0.901
1U219 The Nine Servants of Sauron0.403
1U220 Not Easily Destroyed0.203
1U222 Paths Seldom Trodden0.105
1U223 Relentless Charge0.401
1U226 Their Power Is in Terror0.901
1U227 Threshold of Shadow1.003
1U231 Úlairë Enquëa, Lieutenant of Morgul1.905
1U234 Úlairë Nertëa, Messenger of Dol Guldur1.001
1U235 Úlairë Otsëa, Lieutenant of Morgul1.003
1U238 Wreathed in Shadow0.894
1U239 All Thought Bent on It0.503
1U241 Curse From Mordor0.253
1R247 Enheartened Foe2.002
1C268 Orc Inquisitor1.002
1C269 Orc Scimitar1.001
1U270 Orc Scouting Band1.001
1R276 Seeking Its Master1.001
1U280 Tower Lieutenant0.202
1R284 Bilbo, Retired Adventurer2.001
1R291 The Gaffer, Sam's Father2.003
1R302 Merry, Friend to Sam3.002
1P365 Aragorn, King in Exile2.001
2C60 Goblin Bowman0.301
2C63 Goblin Reinforcements0.101
2C64 Goblin Scrabbler0.201
2U81 They Will Find the Ring0.503
2P122 Gandalf, The Grey Pilgrim2.002
3R8 Arwen, Lady Undómiel1.002
3R27 Vilya4.002
3R34 Narya1.001
3U35 Trust Me as You Once Did1.004
3R42 Horn of Boromir2.001
3R44 The Shards of Narsil1.001
3U45 Some Who Resisted0.505
3U46 Still Sharp0.506
3U47 Voice of Rauros0.504
3R54 Hollowing of Isengard3.003
3C55 Isengard Axe0.209
3C56 Isengard Forger0.204
3U57 Isengard Retainer0.502
3U58 Isengard Servant1.003
3U60 Isengard Smith0.504
3U75 Uruk Ravager1.004
3R80 Such a Little Thing1.502
3U83 The Ring Draws Them0.503
3U86 Úlairë Otsëa, Ringwraith in Twilight1.004
3R91 His Cruelty and Malice3.002
3R99 Orc Trooper1.002
3R103 Terrible as the Dawn1.004
3U106 Bill the Pony0.504
3U107 Frodo's Pipe0.508
3C109 Meant to Be Alone0.0615
3C111 Old Noakes, Purveyor of Wisdoms0.0618
3C112 Seek and Hide0.0613
4U9 Dunlending Arsonist2.002
4U13 Dunlending Pillager2.002
4U24 Hillman Rabble2.002
4U27 Living Off Rock1.002
4U28 No Defense9.001
4U31 Over the Isen3.002
4U34 Secret Folk2.001
4U38 Wild Man of Dunland1.002
4U57 Stout and Strong2.001
4R69 Final Count4.001
4U80 Ordulus, Young Warrior3.001
4U82 Strength of Arms1.501
4U114 Damrod, Ranger of Ithilien1.001
4U143 Brought Back Alive2.002
4C145 Cloud of Arrows1.004
4U147 Covering Fire1.002
4U152 Get Back1.002
4U155 Haunting Her Steps1.001
4U161 Men Will Fall1.001
4R168 Race Across the Mark3.001
4U182 Uruk Crossbow Troop1.001
4U208 Vengeance1.502
4R218 Desert Legion6.001
4U230 Easterling Trooper3.002
4R256 Southron Troop3.001
4U295 Weland, Smith of the Riddermark1.001
7R266 Breached3.001
8R7 Unheard of1.001
8R11 Life of the Eldar3.001
8U23 Larder1.002
8U29 Still Far Ahead2.001
8R43 Shadow Host2.001
8U44 Sixth Level1.001
8U59 Corsair War Galley2.002
8U60 Haradrim Marksman1.001
8R72 Gothmog, Morgul Commander3.001
8R93 Called Away1.001
8R105 Olog-hai of Mordor6.001
10R9 Elrond, Venerable Lord6.001
10R59 Gorbag, Covetous Captain6.001