Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
Forum Strona Główna

Lord of the Rings TCG

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Player 1Dragonian
Gave $0.00
Player 2ben ani
Gave $0.00
Initiated2020-09-27 12:23:36
Finalized2020-09-27 12:23:36
Dragonian gave
8R51 Castamir of Umbar (T)1
8R57 Corsair Marauder (T)1
4R6 Constantly Threatening1
4R160 Mauhúr, Patrol Leader1
5R50 Foul Horde1
5R125 Foul Horde1
7R232 Firefoot, Éomer's Steed1
8R49 Black Númenorean2
8R57 Corsair Marauder1
8R65 Ships of Great Draught1
9R+2 Freca, Hungry Savage (F)1
9R+16 Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath (F)1
11R186 Furious Uruk1
12R18 Hadafang1
12R155 Uruk Zealot1
12RF8 The Balrog, The Terror of Khazad-dûm (F)1
14R2 Elladan, Son of Elrond1
14R3 Elrohir, Son of Elrond1
ben ani gave
1R183 Goblin Swarms2
1R200 The Underdeeps of Moria2
1R217 Morgul Gates2
3R3 Mines of Khazad-Dûm1
3R40 Citadel of Minas Tirith2
3R81 Gates of the Dead City3
3R113 The Shire Countryside2
3R113 The Shire Countryside (F)2
4R267 Éomer, Third Marshal of Riddermark1
5R5 Baruk Khazâd1
9R+3 Durin III, Dwarven Lord (F)1
9R6 Ring of Accretion (F)1
9R+7 Ring of Fury (F)1
9R+28 Gollum, Dark as Darkness (F)1
9R35 Sapling of the White Tree (F)1
9R36 Scroll of Isildur (F)1
12R85 Cave Troll of Moria, Savage Menace1