Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
Forum Strona Główna

Lord of the Rings TCG

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Player 1Misser
Gave $0.00
Player 2Acheron
Gave $0.00
Initiated2020-10-19 16:23:09
Finalized2020-10-19 16:23:10
Acheron gave
7R57 Fat One Wants It3
7R58 Gollum, Plotting Deceiver1
7R61 Hobbitses Are Dead3
7R63 Let Her Deal With Them4
7R67 Plotting4
7R71 Sméagol, Always Helps1
7R73 Sneaking!4
7R74 So Polite4
7R79 Andúril, Flame of the West1
7R87 Derufin2
7R100 Greatest Stronghold4
7R104 Hidden Knowledge4
7R112 Noble Leaders3
7R129 Bold Men and Grim1
7R148 Fierce in Despair1