Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
Forum Strona Główna

Lord of the Rings TCG

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Player 1Misser
Gave $0.00
Player 2Acheron
Gave $0.00
Initiated2020-10-19 16:24:44
Finalized2020-10-19 16:24:45
Acheron gave
7R250 Snowmane2
7R267 Din of Arms4
7R268 Encirclement3
7R316 Troop Tower2
7R321 Merry, Swordthain1
7R324 Pippin, Wearer of Black and Silver1
7R327 Sam, Resolute Halfling1
8R3 Blood Runs Chill (F)3
8R15 Gandalf, Leader of Men3
8R20 Saved From the Fire4
8R24 Promise Keeping4
8R27 Sméagol, Slippery Sneak1
8R32 Catapult4
8R36 Garrison of Gondor4
8R37 Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth1
8R38 King of the Dead, Oathbreaker1
8R43 Shadow Host1