Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
Forum Strona Główna

Lord of the Rings TCG

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Player 1Anubis
Gave $0.00
Player 2stebla
Gave $0.00
Initiated2021-01-31 19:49:33
Finalized2021-01-31 19:56:41
Anubis gave
4R150 Elite Crossbowmen1
9R+31 Boromir, Bearer of Council (F)1
stebla gave
1R127 Lurtz, Servant of Isengard1
1R143 Troop of Uruk-hai1
7R9 Gimli's Battle Axe, Trusted Weapon1
9R+32 Elendil, The Tall (F)1
9R+34 Narsil, Blade of the Faithful (F)1
9R35 Sapling of the White Tree (F)3
9R36 Scroll of Isildur (F)1
13R37 Pallando, Far-travelling One1
14R1 Dáin Ironfoot, King Under the Mountain1