Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
Forum Strona Główna

Lord of the Rings TCG

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Player 1Stachura91
Gave $0.00
Player 2stebla
Gave $102.00
Initiated2021-03-29 22:31:00
Finalized2021-03-29 22:37:18
stebla gave
7R79 Andúril, Flame of the West1
7R112 Noble Leaders1
9R+26 Radagast, The Brown (F)1
9R35 Sapling of the White Tree (F)4
9R36 Scroll of Isildur (F)1
13R65 Elendil, High-king of Gondor1
13R123 Éomer, Heir to Meduseld1
13R137 Théoden, The Renowned1
13R138 Théodred, Second Marshal of the Mark1
15R30 Leaflock, Finglas1
15R34 Quickbeam, Hastiest of All Ents1
15R56 Aragorn's Bow, Ranger's Longbow1
15R123 Éomer, Horsemaster1
15R124 Éomer's Spear, Trusty Weapon1
17R93 Aragorn, Defender of Rohan1
17R95 Éomer, Northman1
17R96 Éowyn, Northwoman1
17R99 Háma, Northman1
17R102 Théoden, Northman, King of Rohan1