Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
Forum Strona Główna

Lord of the Rings TCG

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Player 1Anubis
Gave $0.00
Player 2stebla
Gave $102.00
Initiated2021-04-17 14:48:38
Finalized2021-04-17 14:51:28
stebla gave
1R250 Hate1
18R4 Arwen's Bow1
18R5 Arwen's Dagger1
18R7 Celebring, Elven-smith1
18R12 Gil-galad, High King of the Noldor1
18R13 Glorfindel, Eldarin Lord1
18R18 Beorning Axe1
18R26 Radagast's Herb Bag1
18R40 Boromir, Proud and Noble Man1
18R42 Denethor, On the Edge of Madness1
18R43 Denethor's Sword1
18R47 Elendil's Army1
18R48 Faramir, Captain of Ithilien1
18R52 Gondorian Servant, Denethor's Handman1
18R54 Isildur, Sword-bearer1
18R59 Watcher at Sarn Ford, Ranger of the North1
18R107 Fredegar Bolger, Fatty1
18R113 Sting, Elven Long Knife1