Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
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Lord of the Rings TCG

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Player 1Rambokc
Gave $0.00
Player 2stebla
Gave $0.00
Initiated2022-01-03 18:39:01
Finalized2022-01-03 18:53:33
stebla gave
9R+1 The One Ring, The Binding Ring (F)1
9R+3 Durin III, Dwarven Lord (F)1
9R+4 Gimli, Bearer of Grudges (F)1
9R6 Ring of Accretion (F)1
9R8 Ring of Guile (F)1
9R9 Ring of Retribution (F)1
9R10 Sindri, Dwarven Lord (F)1
9R11 Úri, Dwarven Lord (F)1
9R+31 Boromir, Bearer of Council (F)1
9R+32 Elendil, The Tall (F)1
9R+33 Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms (F)1
9R+34 Narsil, Blade of the Faithful (F)1
9R35 Sapling of the White Tree (F)4
9R36 Scroll of Isildur (F)1
11R1 The One Ring, The Ring of Rings1
11R22 Legolas, Woodland Emissary1
11R23 Legolas' Bow1
11R30 Erland, Dale Counselor1
11R35 Glamdring, Foe-hammer1
11R54 Aragorn, Strider1
11R57 Boromir, Hero of Osgiliath1
11R78 Elevated Fire4
11R96 Precision Targeting4
12R17 Elrond, Witness to History1
12R18 Hadafang1
12R30 Járnsmid, Barding Emissary1
12R47 Faramir, Dúnadan of Gondor1
12R48 Faramir's Sword1
12S73 The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of Mordor2
12R74 Mûmak Rider4
13R33 Gandalf, Bearer of Obligation1
13R36 The Palantír of Orthanc, Recovered Seeing Stone1
13R37 Pallando, Far-travelling One1
15R1 The One Ring, The Ring of Doom1
15R86 Mûmak Commander, Giant Among the Swertings2
17R4 Ring of Artifice1
17R20 Gwaihir, The Windlord1
17R27 Andúril, Sword That Was Broken1
17R31 Narsil, Forged by Telchar1