Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
Forum Strona Główna

Lord of the Rings TCG

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Player 1damianstar
Gave $0.00
Player 2Theoden
Gave $0.00
Initiated2012-01-10 23:51:00
Finalized2012-01-10 23:51:00
Theoden gave
1R120 Alive and Unspoiled1
1R124 Cruel Caradhras1
1R125 Greed1
1R147 Uruk Guard1
1R243 Despair1
1R247 Enheartened Foe1
1R254 Mordor Enraged1
1R259 Morgul Warden1
1R265 Orc Butchery1
1R276 Seeking Its Master1