Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
Forum Strona Główna

Lord of the Rings TCG

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Player 1Rial
Gave $0.00
Player 2Rox
Gave $0.00
Initiated2012-03-16 20:54:55
Finalized2012-03-16 20:54:56
Rial gave
1R128 Lurtz's Battle Cry1
1R131 Orthanc Assassin4
1R139 Savagery to Match Their Numbers1
1R148 Uruk Lieutenant1
Rox gave
1R28 Wealth of Moria1
1R69 Albert Dreary, Entertainer from Bree1
1R79 The Nine Walkers1
1R80 Ottar, Man of Laketown1
1R81 Questions That Need Answering1
1R83 Servant of the Secret Fire1
1R88 An Able Guide1
1R99 Change of Plans1
1R118 Valiant Man of the West1
1R167 Denizens Enraged1
1R169 The End Comes1
1R170 Fool of a Took!1
1R172 Goblin Archer2
1R186 Guard Commander1
1R189 Lost to the Goblins1
1R199 Troll's Keyward1
1R208 Black Steed1
1R224 Return to Its Master1
1R228 The Twilight World1
1R229 Úlairë Attëa, Keeper of Dol Guldur1
1R237 The Witch-king, Lord of Angmar1
1R243 Despair1
1R247 Enheartened Foe1
1R253 Journey Into Danger1
1R254 Mordor Enraged1
1R279 Thin and Stretched1
2R12 Realm of Dwarrowdelf1
2R80 Stricken Dumb1