Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
Forum Strona Główna

Lord of the Rings TCG

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Player 1Rybolec
Gave $0.00
Player 2Matimen
Gave $0.00
Initiated2012-09-05 22:28:33
Finalized2012-09-05 22:28:33
Matimen gave
4C115 Defend It and Hope1
4C117 Faramir, Son of Denethor1
4C122 Gondorian Ranger4
4U126 Ithilien Trap3
4U127 Mablung, Soldier of Gondor1
4C128 New Errand4
4C130 Ranger of Ithilien4
4C131 Ranger's Bow4
4U132 Ranger's Sword, Blade of Aragorn1
4C134 Sword of Gondor4
4C135 War and Valor4