Lord of the Rings TCG@orthanc
Forum Strona Główna

Lord of the Rings TCG

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Player 1suchar
Gave $0.00
Player 2Baton
Gave $6.00
Initiated2020-07-28 18:00:44
Finalized2020-07-28 18:00:45
suchar gave
1R173 Goblin Armory4
1R183 Goblin Swarms2
2R49 Archer Commander2
7U329 Dunharrow Plateau1
7U330 Edoras Hall1
7U331 Isengard Ruined1
7U332 Rohirrim Road (F)1
7U333 Sleeping Quarters1
7U334 Steps of Edoras1
7U335 King's Tent1
7U336 Rohirrim Camp1
7U337 West Road1
7U338 Beacon of Minas Tirith1
7U339 Hall of the Kings1
7U340 Tower of Ecthelion1
7U341 Anduin Banks1
7U342 Osgiliath Fallen1
7U343 Pelennor Plain1
7U344 City Gates1
7U345 Pelennor Flat1
7U346 Minas Tirith Fifth Circle1
7U347 Minas Tirith First Circle1
7U348 Minas Tirith Fourth Circle1
7U349 Minas Tirith Second Circle1
7U350 Minas Tirith Seventh Circle1
7U355 Ruined Capitol1
7U356 Cross Roads1
7U357 Morgul Vale1
7U358 Morgulduin1
7U362 Narchost1
7U363 Slag Mounds1